- (47) 3517-0757 / (47) 99272-1950
On a 592,015 ft² of a total storage area, we have two warehouses of 8,611 ft² each, making 1400 pallet positions available. We also offer: refrigeration, dock equipped with leveling ramp, 380v three-phase of electrical energy, with a large parking lot and area for trailers and other type of vehicles maneuvering. The place is protected by 24-hours concierge, electronic security with remote access and periodic rounds.
We have a large parking lot and an area for trailers and other type of vehicles maneuvering.
We have two warehouses of 8,611 ft² each, on a total storage area of 592, 015 ft², which enable us to be an advanced distribution center for your company.
Our warehouses have a high degree of security. We have 24-hour concierge, electronic security with remote access, in addition to periodic patrols.